Beyond Yesterday   A History of Fenstanton - Jack Dady

A potted history of the small village of Fenstanton in former Huntingdonshire - the birthplace of John Howland and final resting place of Lancelot "Capability" Brown. A study which can applied generically to illustrate the historical development of most small parishes throughout England.

Copies of the book are available locally, please telephone 469300 or contact by email for more details.

  • ISBN:      1 903924 05 7 
  • Size:       15.5 cm x 22 cm
  • Binding:  164 pages in hardback
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HISTORY - Earliest Settlements – Prehistoric - Roman - The Dark Ages - The Anglo-Saxons - Fenstanton's Boundary - The Danes - The English - Feudal Manor (1066-1485) - Domesday Book - Lord of the Manor - Courts - Life on the Manor - Fenstanton Fair - The Church - Fenstanton and its Neighbours - Farming And Land Tenure - Survey of Fenstanton 1582 - Land Tenure - Agriculture - Common Land - Enclosures - Enclosures: The 1810 Award - Summary of the Award - Public Drains and Watercourses - Road Repair - Elizabeth I - Elizabeth II - The Village Administration - The Spanish Armada - Visit of Queen Elizabeth - Richard Cox - The Civil War and the Commonwealth - The Poor - The Workhouse - The Parish Constable - Roads - The River - Bygone Posts - Education - Public Services - Water - Street lighting - Post - Bus Service - Parish Council - Lords of Fenstanton - de Gants - Segraves/Norfolks /Berkeleys - Division Of The Mowbray Estates - Spencer Comptons - Earls of Northampton - The Browns - Chantry of St.Mary's, Fenstanton – Burial


CHURCH, CHAPEL, CHARITY - Church of England - Chapel - Rectors & Vicars of Fenstanton - Advowson - Particular Baptists - Henry Denne - Particular Baptist Church - Baptists and Congregationalists - Congregational Ministers - Methodists - Dissenters and the Law - - Charity - Ecclesiastical - Ingle Bequest. - The Town Estates - Joseph Ellis Foundation - Davison Grave Fund - Coote Scholarship Trust - Obsolete Charities


PEOPLE - John Howland - Lancelot 'Capability' Brown - The Behagg Family - Alfred Behagg - Ashley Michael Behagg - The Jacob family - Ron Jacob - Tobias Hardmeat - George Burgess - Rev. George Herbert- Frewer, M.A. - Frank Bond - Thomas Coote - Peter Cowling - Captain Daintree - John Earl - John Hammond - Pet Lilley - Gerty Peet - Jimmy and Gussy Samson - The Wright Ingles - Siddy & Limmy


HAPPY DAYS - Fenstanton Feast - May Day - Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, 1887 - Sports and Flowers


THE LIVING VILLAGE - The Parish Church - The Pubs - The Literary Institute - The Church Centre - The Village Hall - Village Greens - Population - Social Change - Millennium Emblem - Stained Glass Window - Village Sign - The Time Capsule contains - Millennium Celebration 31st December 1999 - The Millennium Hedge Project - Millennium Feast Week - Fenstanton County Primary School - Head teachers - The Fenstanton Witch


FOOTPATHS - Public Roads - Public Footpaths - Private Roads - Additions under the 1949 Act



Trade Directories.

    • Pigot & Co's Directory, 1830

    • Kelly's Directory, 1851

    • Craven's Directory of Huntingdonshire, 1855

    • Post Office Directory, 1869

    • Kelly's Directory 1885

    • Kelly's Directory, 1894

    • Kelly's Directory 1910

    • Kelly's Directory, 1936

The Will Of Joseph Elles, 1728

Capability Brown's Insurance Policy

Glossary Of Mediaeval & Historical Terms

English Land Tenure

Early Feudal Tenure (1066-1160)





Jack Dady was a St Ivian  educated at Huntingdon Grammar School prior to enjoying a fulfilling and varied career in aviation engineering all over the globe, finally retiring in 1978 as Engineering Director for Kuwait Airlines having spent some twenty years in that country.

His chosen place to settle was Fenstanton – a village with which he had family ties and since then Jack has been deeply involved with the community by serving on the Parish Council until recently, and during this time researching and forever adding to his limitless knowledge of local history and events past.

This was essential for the creation of the first edition of this book in 1987, which was considered by many to be a succinct encapsulation of the history of Fenstanton and was distributed far and wide, even appearing recently on the second-hand book market in Canada and America.

Obituary: Alfred John DADY 1913 - 2006


A comprehensive index is provided for the benefit of those with a genealogical interest


Abbess | Abbott | Abdulla Fid AI Nasser | Alcombury | Aldous | Alien | Allen | Allison | Allpress | Alpress | Andersen | Archer | Armes | Armin | Arminian | Armon | Arnsby | Ashton | atte Wade | Aughton | Austin | Avery


Baker | Ballard | Bamburgh | Banson | Barber | Barker | Barnes | Barnett | Barney | Bartholemew | Baskett | Bassett | Bath | Bechgaard | Beck | Bee | Beecham | Behagg | Bell | Bence | Bennett | Bentley | Berkeley | Bertryn | Best | Bewicke | Bilson | Bilton | Birkin | Birtchnell | Blackwell | Blaydes | Blemell | Blench | Blomfield | Bloodworth | Bloom | Blunt | Boddy | Bogart | Bon | Bond | Bone | Boness | Bourdillon | Boyd | Boyes | Brain | Brawn | Brett | Brickwood | Britten | Brooke | Brooks | Brown | Brudenell | Buddle | Bullen | Bulling | Bunting | Burch | Burcham | Burgess | Burn-Murdoch | Burton | Bush | Butler | Buttelee | Byrde | Byson



Calbras | Callendar | Calver | Cameron | Campbell | Cannell | Cannon | Carlyle | Carter | Carton | Cartwright | Cash | Cattell | Chamberlain | Chambers | Chandler | Chapman | Child | Chilery | Churchill | Clark | Clarke | Clayton | Clerk | Clifford | Clifton | Clyfford | Cole | Collison | Come | Compton | Conte | Cook | Cooke | Cooper | Coote | Cordell | Cornwell | Coulson | Cowling | Cox | Crane | Cranford | Creswick | Crissell | Crisswell | Cromwell | Crouch | Curtis | Curwen


Dady | Daintree | Danner | Dantry | Darlow | Darnell | Davis | Davison | Dawson | Day | de Bares | de Bisshopeston | de Bisshopston | de Croft | de Dinarn | de Dodenham | de Drayton | de Hellowye | de la Roche | de Loughtone | de Manny | de Mellour | de Montfort | de Mowbray | de Newenham | de Northwode | de Orion | de Overton | de Pecche | de Sadyngton | de Segrave | de Stanton | de Sulingry | de Sulvii | de Thoerm | de Thornton | de Whittleseye | Deacon | Dear | Denne | Deny | Desborough | Dickson | Dilley | Ding | Dixon | do Gand | do Marlow | Doran | Dring | Duhm | Dyson


Eagle | Earl | Eayre | Edwards | Eley | Elkyn | Elles | Ellis | Emerson | Emery


Favell | Felers | Fendick | Fenton | Fiennes | Films | Fitzpiers | Flack | Fletcher | Ford | Fordham | Forster | Fortescue | Foster | Fowler | Fox | Freeman | Freestone | Frend | Frewer | Fuller | Furniss


Gadesby | Gadsby | Gallbally | Galloway | Gardener | Geesom Ethel | Geeson | Geffrey | Gentry | George | German | Gibson | Giddings | Giddins | Gifford | Giles | Girard | Gone | Goodfellow | Goodridge | Grant | Graves | Gray | Greaves | Green | Grey | Grime | Grimes | Guite | Gunnell | Gurry 


Hadfield | Hailey | Hall | Hammond | Hand | Harding | Hardmeat | Hardy | Harlin | Harpall | Harradine | Harris | Harrison | Harrow | Harrup | Hart | Hartley | Harve | Hasilden | Haskins | Haspall | Hastings | Hawkesworth | Hawkins | Haylock Watson | Haynes | Hayslop | Hazlitt | Hedge | Hewlett | Hewlins | Hewson | Hexham | Hicks | Hill | Hingley | Hitch | Hobbs | Hobuldod | Hodge | Hodgson | Hodson | Hoge | Hole | Holland | Holley | Holme | Holmes | Hopkins | Horning | Horsley | Howe | Howell | Howland | Hughes | Hunt | Hurl | Hurst | Hutchinson | Hyde


Ibbot | Ibbott | Ingle | Inskip | Isola


Jackson | Jacob | Jaffrey | James | Jarvis | Jeeves | Johnson | Jones | Joyce | Judson


Kelly | Kemmis | Kershaw | Kiddle | Kidman | King | Kingston | Kirby | Kitchen | Knight | Knights


la Zouche | Lacy | Lamb Ingle | Lambert | Lambertt | Lancaster | Land | Langford | Langley | Larder | Large | Latchfield | Laurie | Lawrie | Lee | Legatt | Leslie | Lewis | Lewis ffytche | Leycester | Lightfoot | Lilley | Lincoln | Lindsey | Lingey | Lingwood | Lipton | Littlestone | Long | Longfellow | Longley | Lovell | Lowry | Luff


MacDonald | Maiden | Maile | Makeham | Male | Mann | Mansfield | Mareschall | Margetts | Marsden | Marsh | Marshall | Marten | Martin | Martyr | Mason | Matthews | May | McIllhagga | Mead | Mence | Metcalfe | Mill | Millard | Milton | Mitchell | Mitham | Mobbs | Molt | Moore | Morecambe | Morgan | Morley | Morrice | Mott | Mottram | Moulds | Mowbray | Mowforth | Munns | Murren | Mustill

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Newman | Newsome | Nicholas | Nichols | Nicholson | Nixon | Noble | Norris | Norton


Oakett | Odams | Odharns | Offley | Okested | Oldman | Onions | Orage


Page | Painting | Palgrave | Pallinder | Palmer | Papworth | Parker | Parnell | Parry | Part | Patnnell | Peek | Peet | Peggs | Penton Tilbury | Perceval | Peverell | Phillip | Phillips | Piggolt | Pitfield | Pithers | Plomer | Pmh | Pole | Porter | Potter | Powney | Prentice | Prior | Pulley | Pumfrey | Pygot


Quartos | Quemby | Quick


Radford | Raikes | Randal | Randall | Randyll | Rarvier | Ratcliffe | Redgrave | Reed | Reid | Renande | Rhodes | Rich | Richards | Rignall | Roberts | Robinson | Rochester | Rogerty | Rolls | Romna | Rook | Roosevelt | Roots | Rose | Royds | Royston | Russyngton


Saint | Sampson | Samson | Sanderson | Sandifer | Sansom | Saunders | Scand | Scoffield | Seagrave | Segravc | Segrave | Selby | Semple | Sewell | Shellabear | Sibley | Simcottes | Simmonds | Skeats | Skeftlying | Skinner | Smith | Sneath | Sneth de Aston | Snitch | Sparrow | Spencer | Spendlove | Springben | Stedlad | Stewart | Stilleborn | Stoning | Stow | Stratton | Stringer | Stroud | Stylbaine | Sullivan | Swain | Sweeting


Tack | Tamworth | Tattersal | Tebbutt | Telford | Terry | Thicknesse | Thirlby | Thompson | Thorley | Thorn | Thorp | Thorpe | Tilbury | Tilley | Titmarsh | Tolles | Tolliday | Tomy | Topper | Toseland | Townsend | Trappes | Turner | Turpin | Tyler | Tysoe | Tyson

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Underhill | Underwood | Unwin




Wadsworth | Wakefield | Walford | Walker | Wallace | Waller | Wallington | Wallman | Waltman | Walton | Wanneswith | Ward | Watson | Watts | Weginale | Welstead | Wesley | Whitbourn | White | Wickes | Wickham | Wilderspin | Wilkinson | Williamson | Willson | Wilson | Winfrey | Wither | Witherow | Wittey | Wolfe | Woodcock | Woodford | Woodhead | Woods | Wootten | Wright | Wright Ingle


Yelderde | Yokflete

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